Calendar for today - February 12th, 2025

  • Sunrise 6:52 AM
  • Sunset 5:16 PM

  • Moonset 7:08 AM
  • Moonrise 5:35 PM

Day of the year: 43, Week of the year: 7

Valentine’s Day is a very popular holiday not only in the United States, but also in many other countries. This special day of love is celebrated every year on February 14.

The name comes from the 3rd century Roman saint – Saint Valentine who is considered to be the patron of those who are in love....

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Presidents’ Day / Washington’s Birthday

There is one holiday in the United States with more than one name. Officially the day is called Washington’s Birthday, but it is also widely recognized as Presidents’ Day. Although this federal holiday is connected with the first president of the United States...

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{rok} Daylight Saving Time Starts - second Sunday of March Clocks Spring Forward

Cesar Chavez Day is a relatively new holiday. It was implemented by President Barack Obama, who had already, as a senator, in 2008 called Cesar Chavez an “American icon”. Although one city in Nevada has celebrated Cesar Chavez Day since 2003, it became a national holiday thanks to Barack Obama in 2014....

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Two days before Easter many Americans commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The observance is known as the Good Friday and is a part of the Holy Week. The date of the holiday varies in different years on both calendars – Gregorian and Julian, and it depends on the full moon. This is why Easter,...

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