Calendar for today - December 13th, 2024

  • Sunrise 7:13 AM
  • Sunset 4:16 PM

  • Moonset 5:22 AM
  • Moonrise 2:37 PM


Day of the year: 348, Week of the year: 50

Today's holidays and observances

Today's holidays in the world

Today's religious holidays

Probably the most important holiday for all Christians is preceded by a special evening – Christmas Eve. A great amount of countries around the world consider this day, December 24, as a full or partial holiday. The celebration is connected with commemorating Jesus Christ’s birth, although its actual...

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Christmas is probably the most important Christian holiday, as well as one of the most important holidays in the United States. Although celebrating lasts usually 2-3 days, the actual date of Christmas is December 25.

Most Christians believe that this the date of Jesus Christ’s birth, although it...

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In some countries the day after Christmas, December 26, is called the Boxing Day. As the holiday originated in the United Kingdom, it is observed mainly in countries that used to be a part of the British empire, so it is also celebrated in the United States.

The holiday started in Great Britain as...

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In New York around 1 million people gather every year on Times Square to celebrate New Year's. Almost 200 million Americans and 1 billion people across the world watch it on tv. The ceremony is called 'Times Square Ball Drop' because dropping the humongous luminous ball is the main focus of the night....

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Government offices and schools are closed on that day and most of organisations and business are not working. According to the Gregorian calendar the year starts January the 1st. It has been widely accepted as a civil calendar in the areas such as: both American continents, Western and Central Europe,...

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