Calendar for today - January 15th, 2025

  • Sunrise 7:18 AM
  • Sunset 4:41 PM

  • Moonset 8:40 AM
  • Moonrise 6:43 PM

Day of the year: 15, Week of the year: 3

Today's holidays and observances

Confederate Memorial Day in Texas is also called Confederate Heroes Day. Just as in other states, the observance is connected with commemorating all of the Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War.

The history of Confederate Memorial Day dates back to year 1866 and the custom started by...

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Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

There are only 3 figures that have their own national holidays in the USA: George Washington, Christopher Columbus and Martin Luther King Jr. Definitely all of these names are well-known all over the world, especially important for American people. The last name...

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Some American states celebrate the birthday of Robert Edward Lee – a soldier and a commander of the Confederate States Army. Although the actual date of his birth was January 19, 1807, some states celebrate it on the third Monday of January – just the same as the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.


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American and Canadian people have some common interesting tradition – they believe that the arrival of spring can be predicted by a groundhog. For this reason, on 2 February every year the Groundhog Day can be observed in the United States and Canada.

The observance has its roots in Pennsylvania,...

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There are many important holidays in the United States. One of them, however, is the most significant day for sports enthusiasts, even though it is not an official holiday. It is known as Super Bowl Sunday – an extremely important American sports event.

Super Sunday is usually the first Sunday of...

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