Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2025

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple was 19 days ago.

In 2025 Presentation of Jesus at the Temple was on February 15th (saturday).

Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ in the TemplePresentation of Jesus at the Temple

Other years

Day of the weekDateName of holiday
WednesdayFeb 15th, 2023Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2023
ThursdayFeb 15th, 2024Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2024
SundayFeb 15th, 2026Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2026
MondayFeb 15th, 2027Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2027
TuesdayFeb 15th, 2028Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2028
ThursdayFeb 15th, 2029Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2029
FridayFeb 15th, 2030Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 2030

Holidays in the same day in USA

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