Independence Day in Poland 2025

Until Independence Day in Poland are 268 days, ie 8 months and 23 days.

In 2025 Independence Day in Poland is on November 11th (tuesday).

As a Catholic country, Poland has many holidays that are extremely important for nationals. The most important is definitely Christmas, but Easter is also very substantial. There is, however, one day that is not connected with religion, but still remains a relevant Polish holiday.
National Independence Day is celebrated on 11 November in Poland. It is always a duvet day. This holiday aims at commemorating a tremendously important moment in the Polish history.

Before World War One Poland was oppressed for a long time. Since 1795 the country of Poland literally didn’t exist. Its territory was then divided between 3 other countries: Austria, Prussia and Russia. The Polish nation, however, never stopped dreaming of regaining independence. Although it took more than 100 years, the dream of many Polish people has finally become true. At the end of the First World War, which was on 11 November 1918, Poland finally had a position as a country having its own politicians, the executive, the judicial power and the anlage of army. It is considered a great success of a country that has gone through so many difficult moments in history.
Even though regaining independence was definitely a gradual process, the date of 11 November was considered to be the most meaningful moment for the Polish nation. It was the moment when people understood they were finally living in their own country which is completely independent after 123 years. The spirit of emotion and enthusiasm overwhelmed the nationals that day.

Every year on 11 November Polish politicians, soldiers and the people gather in public squares or near memorials all over the country. In Warsaw, for example, the official Changing of the Guard in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier takes place. The most important figures of the country are always present during that ceremony. 11 November is very important to Polish people indeed.

Did you know?
When you walk the streets of Poland in November and see a white and red flag waving proudly at every window, you can be sure it’s the National Independence Day. This tradition is very important for Polish people, because it is a way of expressing the remembrance for the history of Poland and its fight for independence.

Other years

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WednesdayNov 11th, 2026Independence Day in Poland 2026
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SundayNov 11th, 2029Independence Day in Poland 2029
MondayNov 11th, 2030Independence Day in Poland 2030
TuesdayNov 11th, 2031Independence Day in Poland 2031
ThursdayNov 11th, 2032Independence Day in Poland 2032

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