World Stroke Day 2025

Until World Stroke Day are 241 days, ie 7 months and 27 days.

In 2025 World Stroke Day is on October 29th (wednesday).

Brain stroke is a very serious disease which is currently the largest cause of disability and the second largest cause of death in the world. Those of us who have luckily not encountered it yet are often not aware of the real nature of stroke. This is why World Stroke Day started to be observed in 2006.

The annual event was started by the World Stroke Organization (WSO) in order to raise public awareness of the prevention and treatment. This is important because stroke can happen to anyone – 1 in 4 of us could have it in the future. This means that sooner or later we will know someone who had a stroke. It is good to know different ways of preventing it and the nature of rehabilitation after stroke. Every October 29, on World Stroke Day, different organizations around the world hold events focused on education and positive initiatives. Each year there is also a special theme and since 2009 even a year-round campaign of World Stroke Day. The main goal of these campaigns is to draw public attention to key issues of stroke. In 2009 the campaign’s title was: “Stroke, what can I do?”. In 2012 and 2013 the theme was: “Because I care”; in 2016: “Face the Facts: Stroke is Treatable”; in 2018: “Up Again After Stroke” and in 2020: “Don’t Be the One”. The last campaign was focused on drawing attention to the fact that in just 10 years the risk of stroke increased from 1 in 6 to 1 in 4.

How can each of us support World Stroke Day? There are important information and tools in many languages available on the official website of World Stroke Organization which we can share in our social media or use on websites to raise public awareness. It is important to let people know that being active helps to reduce the risk of stroke. World Stroke Campaign Webinars are also available to listen on-line on the website. Quit smoking, change your diet, be active every day and learn how to respond to the early signs of stroke. Join a year-round campaign to let people know that you care and invite them to do the same.

Education is an extremely important issue in the topic of brain stroke. It is crucial to know what to do when we notice someone having the first symptoms of stroke. The main idea is to act F.A.S.T.:

F = Facial Weakness
A = Arm Weakness
S = Speech Difficulty
T = Time Loss is Brain Loss.

As soon as we notice any of symptoms such as talking problems, weakness on one side of the body, trouble seeing or walking, we should immediately call emergency services. Every minute matters and may decide of life and death or the amount of damage made through stroke. If we all spread the information of the procedure in case of a stroke, then who knows, maybe someone will be able to save our life or help someone we love.

Did you know?

In 2020 WSO mounted a special campaign to make the biggest possible amount of people active through dancing. Anyone could send a video showing his own dance sequence made of four dance moves and share it in the social media inviting three other friends to do the same. It was also possible to nominate a song to the official World Stroke Day Dance Party playlist.
World Stroke Day